Reflection on Gender perspective of war and peace

5 03 2012

Sneha Thankam Alexander

Whenever I read an article or take part in a discussion related to gender I wonder why with very few exceptions the whole world is patriarchal? Why is it that women have to take special effort to win their rights and even after long time of struggle for equality, women are still considered as subordinates? Then comes the question that often comes to my mind, but  which I wish will never receive ‘yes’ as the answer, does this mean this is how it should be and basically meant to be?

The author thinks that it is important to conduct gender specific analysis of all events in war and peace. Men and women are assigned certain roles by society that becomes norms that people do not think beyond that framework and is not given a special thought. She explains how norms of war and peace are set such that men and women are assigned specific roles in these. In the case of war men takes the protective roles and sets out for war while women stays back. However, this does not mean that women are excluded from the sufferings of war. They are mostly victimized through rapes and prostitution during war and post war. This stands as the strongest tool to demoralize and to prove the incompetency of the men of the opposite party. Why is it that the honor of women is to be safeguarded by men? It is this expectation that makes this war tool more violent. Women and rapes diminish as tools in a men’s game that is war.

The author mentions in the conclusion that there is a continuum of violence in war.  This is true because violence does not end with official ending of war. The effects of war remain intact in the post war period and also pervades to the political, social and economic aspects of a society. The existing structural violence against women is exacerbated by the consequences of the war. Thus, I do agree with the author that a gender specific analysis of the power relations in war and peace is essential.



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